Dog Training with Eric: Training Blog

Dog Training with Eric: Training Blog

Does My Dog Understand Me? Human Psychology Vs. Dog Psychology – Part 1

Does My Dog Understand Me? Human Psychology Vs. Dog Psychology – Part 1 One of the most common questions we get from our clients is “Does my dog understand me?” You see, while dogs do have feelings and emotions such as “happy, sad, nervous, excited”, they do not carry emotions such as “guilt, shame, anger”. These complex ranges of emotion are human characteristics that we mistakenly attribute to dogs. Humans,[...]

Does My Dog Understand Me? Human Psychology V.S. Dog Psychology – Part 2

Does My Dog Understand Me? Human Psychology V.S. Dog Psychology – Part 2 Hello and welcome back, in our last blog post we discussed how dog psychology varies greatly to human psychology, and how using human psychology to relate to your dog is not only ineffective, but detrimental to the happy life structure of your furry friend. When a child is anxious, the mother comforts him and lets him know[...]

Dog Day Cares Vs Dog Parks – Dog Training with Eric

Dog Day Cares Vs Dog Parks Dog day cares are supervised controlled environments with professionals equipped to handle dog situations, this is the main reason I recommend dog day cares over dog parks. See the list below. Prescreening for all dogs: At dog parks you are not familiar with the other dogs and their behavioral type. Dog day cares prescreen all dogs for aggression and health. Clean environment: Dog parks can potentially[...]

Door Training During Halloween – Dog Training with Eric

Door Training During Halloween Every year several clients tell me that they are concerned about how their dog will react on Halloween night. It can be a challenging time for some dogs. Along with doorbell ringing consistently when you open the door there are a number of children screaming “trick or treat” dressed in strange costumes. Instead of looking at this as a “trick” see it as a “treat”. The[...]

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